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Compare Su-30MKI and F-16C and F/A-18E/F
Saturday, August 12, 2006 (2:51 AM)

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Posted by
Foxhound (131)
RE: Compare Su-30MKI and F-16C and F/A-18E/F
Posted: August 16, 2006 (2:00 PM)
Who could forget the Foxhound.

But, it was not mentioned, and is a Interceptor by design.

I know the S-37/Su-47, Su-37, and MiG 1.44 MFI were/are prototypes.

S-37 and Su-47 are not the same aircraft. Both are protos, but, the S was a precursor to the Su.

I mentioned them because it appeared to me, someone thought the MKI was/is Russias most advanced aircraft.

As it stands all the mentioned aircraft, with the possible exception of the MiG-31. Are to lesser or greater degrees, more advanced than the MKI.

Foxhound: Clearing out.

Posted by
Sukhoy (488)
RE: Compare Su-30MKI and F-16C and F/A-18E/F
Posted: August 16, 2006 (2:19 PM)
Yes, S-37 is not Su-47 and before S-37 was S-32.

Su-30 MKI is advanced but is more than Su-27SM? I think not. I think is nearly the same.

India refuse to use russians avionics because russians ones are made to resists to weather from Russia, not for tropical from India. So avionics will must be changed more frequently than expected.

It is the matter mainly of weather not of performance. The performance are about the same, maybe russians ones have little more weight.

Posted by
Foxhound (131)
RE: Compare Su-30MKI and F-16C and F/A-18E/F
Posted: August 19, 2006 (1:45 PM)
Points well taken Sukhoi.

To compare the MKI to the SM, a close call.

The MKI does however; have Thrust-Vectoring.

Whereas the SM lacks.

The 37 has that implimentation, and has capabilities superior to the MKI, but, by no great margin.

Interesting show on the Military Channel.

Naturally thay bragged the Raptor up, and IMHO rightfully so.

Yet they admitted the Su-37 can outmanuver it.
Being as the 37 is a larger, heavier, and older airframe, I wonder what the new MiG-29 OVT/35 can really do. Should be nothing short of amazing.

Furthermore; they said the Raptor cannot use active detection without comprimising its stealth features, and uses a spotter to illuminate its targets and forward data-link the info to the Raptor.

That system makes the Raptor a deadly foe.

Yet, I don't think a Flight of MiG-31's data-linking to some Flankers, would be something to take lightly

Foxhound: Tracking.

Posted by
Sukhoy (488)
RE: Compare Su-30MKI and F-16C and F/A-18E/F
Posted: August 19, 2006 (5:18 PM)
MiG-31 I think have same power in mini-awacs aspect like SU-3X.

I don't understand why russians upgrade Su-27 to SM if SM is weaker than Su-30MKI.
Maybe is not weaker and russians keep secret that aspect. It is possible. . :P

Russians claims SU-27SM is 3 times better than previous Su-27.

Posted by
JSF_fan (48)
RE: Compare Su-30MKI and F-16C and F/A-18E/F
Posted: September 8, 2006 (6:29 PM)
The Su-30MKI would have no problems against the F-16C (note the F-16C/D covers those up to block 52, block 60 is actually E/F). In either case though the Su-30MKI would win it because the Su-30MKI can strike at longer range due to its BVR A2A missiles having greater range.

The Su-30MKI will have a harder time with the F-18E/F. The F-18E/F maybe bulky and have poor manoeuvrability in some areas but it still has a very good EW suite. Still though the Su-30MKI will take it out.

The Su-30MKI versus the F-22 will be hands down win to the F-22. The F-22 is simply more advanced (obviously its base airframe was designed 20 years later)

The Su-30MKI versus F-35, I will actually give this to the F-35. Even though the F-35 is largely a strike fighter it is being designed to counter everything apart from the F-22. We could go into that whole stealth argument, I believe it works and therefore I think the F-35 will win because of it.

Posted by
Foxhound (131)
RE: Compare Su-30MKI and F-16C and F/A-18E/F
Posted: September 12, 2006 (3:50 AM)
Welcome back, JSF.

In an other posting you said by the time it was detected, the F-22 would have fired and killed by then.

Yes, it would have fired by then.
However; there is no "silver bullet", even uber-cheerleader mike sprick admits that.

Yes, AAM's can be "spoofed". Longer distances between target and launch-point tip the odds in the targets favor as far as avoidance is concerned.

Up-close and Dogfighting, turn the odds in the shooters favor dramaticlly.

A USAF/Contractor produced video for the Military Channel admitted that Thrust-Vectoring Russian aircraft (exa Su-37, 30MKI) can out-manuever the Raptor. The 37 was used as an example, but the MKI is a very close cousin.

Therefore; in my humble opinion the Raptor pilot would be hard pressed in a knife-fight with the MKI.

The same program also indicated the Raptor cannot activly search and track without being detected itself, and uses rearward located spotters to data link.

If close enough proxy was maintained, the data-link would itself be undetectable. Yet, greater distances would require greater power, and reveal the transfer to those searching for it.

While finding the recipiant of the data would require a time and resource consuming triangulation type process, during which time the target would have long done its business.

The discovery of the link would serve notice that something is "in the air."

Not to mention the spotting/sending aircraft would have been aquired.

When it comes to BVR and CAP, that Raptor is the Ace of Spades.

But, in an "all other/outside factors near even" engagement situation. I would hesitate to call the MKI a joker in a no wild card contest.

In the same scenario, the standard Flanker, or the updated Fulcrum models would be a tough match for the JSF.

Good Day.


Posted by
Sukhoy (488)
RE: Compare Su-30MKI and F-16C and F/A-18E/F
Posted: September 12, 2006 (11:26 AM)
I think there is a problem, a big problem:
Look, think that fighter A can fire to fighter B from 150Km, but B to A only from 80Km. This numbers are in case of head to head moving.
So, B, after first missiles was fired to it, will not know about that missile. Only after that missile come closer B can "see" it. Even then B can go ahead to A. At a range of 10-15 Km B must begin to evade. BUT! BUT! After flying a distance about 100Km that missiles haven't so much energy, speed is lower, and will slow to 0Km/h. If B will change its way that missile will be at 3 or 9 o'clock, missile will have to change its way, right or left. That maneover will slow it much more, and B can't be downed. So, first missile failed. Before to begin to evade, maybe B reach the fire zone to A, so it can fire a missile "fire and forget" like R-77 or AIM-120.
If the first missile fired by A is SARH - semi active radar homing, A can't turn and leave, because missile will no longer be guided to B. So in this case distance be2ween A and B will be much closer.
In case of ARH - active radar homing, A can turn and leave. So the distance A - B will be not so closer. In tail, radar signature is poor than to head. So B must come closer to A. Right, but if first missile failed (and is veryt probable to fail) A must turn again toward B. Maybe now B is enought close to A to can fire a missile when A try to turn toward B.
So, the longer range of A is now neutralise. Now is only matter of pilot skill to evade missiles fired from closer range and fighter maneuverability.

Posted by
RE: Compare Su-30MKI and F-16C and F/A-18E/F
Posted: September 12, 2006 (12:40 PM)
Using the LPI mode the Raptor can actively track targets while remaining stealthy. That show was incorrect. Also, Raptor pilots say that they have no problem pulling the same stunts as the Flankers. Right now they are just warming up. The Raptor has already shown the Cobra as it pulls back to ~120-130 degrees AoA. There was none of the yaw instability exhibited by the Flanker during this manuever too.

The Super Hornet does not have poor manueverability. It is cleared to fly up to a sustained 55 degrees AoA which is very good with a fighter without TVC. Sukhoi never sems to give out its sustained AoA numbers, only the transient ones.

Posted by
Foxhound (131)
RE: Compare Su-30MKI and F-16C and F/A-18E/F
Posted: September 12, 2006 (1:50 PM)
You don't say.

Yeah, I saw the Raptor video. And I have the Video of the Su-37s UK performance.

The Raptor looked clumsy, even though they attempted to film against a clear sky with no dissearnable horizon and rearward aspect shots. Did about as well as that overpriced producer on the "Lunear Landing." An acid-head film student from UCLA could have done better in both occurances, as well as the "editing" job on several "gun camera confirmed kills."

The Raptor airframe was designed formost with stealth, and supercruise in mind. There is no "free lunch" in Physics land, only in c.e.o./jESUS world.

Of course they will say that, what did you expect? Balanced and Fair commentary. (Said with a big F-U to fox news, funny how the network runs shows where the neo-con precious lORD and sAVIOUR along with the almighty father, are continually mocked.)

a country drowning in debt, more & more comming under "outside control"(debt wise,) needs to find any way to justify such expenditures. Need proof of that? I heard they stopped publishing the M3 (money in circulation) stats.

As far as search and track, aside from a WVR "gun barrel" lock you have to go active for target aquisition.
Unless being stream fed by an outside source.

F/A-18E/F? Never heard of that model held up a paradem of manuverability, until now.

As said before, the Raptor is a BVR & CAP, King. Standing as it is that's 70%+ of a jets operational life.

So in that context, the arguement could be made for the Raptor. Very effectivly I will add.

To say it dominates all fields, more difficult to ingest.

Have a very nice day.


Posted by
Foxhound (131)
RE: Compare Su-30MKI and F-16C and F/A-18E/F
Posted: September 12, 2006 (1:51 PM)
You don't say.

Yeah, I saw the Raptor video. And I have the Video of the Su-37s UK performance.

The Raptor looked clumsy, even though they attempted to film against a clear sky with no dissearnable horizon and rearward aspect shots, when one appeared. Did about as well as that overpriced producer on the "Lunear Landing." An acid-head film student from UCLA could have done better in both occurances, as well as the "editing" job on several "gun camera confirmed kills."

The Raptor airframe was designed formost with stealth, and supercruise in mind. There is no "free lunch" in Physics land, only in c.e.o./jESUS world.

Of course they will say that, what did you expect? Balanced and Fair commentary. (Said with a big F-U to fox news, funny how the network runs shows where the neo-con precious lORD and sAVIOUR along with the almighty father, are continually mocked.)

a country drowning in debt, more & more comming under "outside control"(debt wise,) needs to find any way to justify such expenditures. Need proof of that? I heard they stopped publishing the M3 (money in circulation) stats.

As far as search and track, aside from a WVR "gun barrel" lock you have to go active for target aquisition.
Unless being stream fed by an outside source.

F/A-18E/F? Never heard of that model held up a paradem of manuverability, until now.

As said before, the Raptor is a BVR & CAP, King. Standing as it is that's 70%+ of a jets operational life.

So in that context, the arguement could be made for the Raptor. Very effectivly I will add.

To say it dominates all fields, more difficult to ingest.

Have a very nice day.


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