Why are Russian fighters so big?
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Why are Russian fighters so big?
Thursday, October 21, 2004 (00:39 AM)

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Posted by
Sukhoy (488)
RE: Why are Russian fighters so big?
Posted: August 4, 2008 (10:12 AM)
About that catapult. . I think (not sure) a Su can take off quicker than an F-14 with same payload. Good to know: F-14 has 6500Kg and Su-27 has 8000Kg and Su-33 has same 6500Kg.

So F-14 with 6500Kg vs Su-27 with 6500Kg I think Su is quicker.

Maybe many people doesn't know that direct competitor to F-14 is MiG-31.

Posted by
Archon888 (1)
RE: Why are Russian fighters so big?
Posted: October 23, 2008 (7:26 PM)
Hey Anticommi, maybe cite your sources so you don't just come off like a jackass.

Russian technology is impressive, no doubt about it. But there aren't a whole lot of modern examples that have stood up in combat. Yes, most point to under trained crews as the issue, but there is quite a long track record of great on paper, but not so great when the chips are down.

No need to sit and brag about the United States, their combat record speaks for itself.

Posted by
Sukhoy (488)
RE: Why are Russian fighters so big?
Posted: December 12, 2008 (8:08 AM)
I'm wondering why in 1997 nobody tried to fight 1 to 1 against Su-37 above The Atlantic.

Posted by
kweku (1)
RE: Why are Russian fighters so big?
Posted: May 14, 2009 (2:20 PM)
America record speaks for itself. Ya right. Got your ass kicked in vietnam, the chinese chased you away from north korea. Tell me which modern war have you won and with which country. Its always the defenseless country that you defeated. Name them, Granada,iraq, and a few bombs on libya etc. Have ever fought with any serious country? You are scared of China and we won't even mention the Russians. They will make your pilots and planes look like toys. You sent all the arms to Georgia and look what happened to them. Please, don't mess with the Russians. Remember, you got your stealth technology from Russia. Only God knows what they have but haven't disclosed to the world.

Posted by
archon888z (2)
RE: Why are Russian fighters so big?
Posted: May 14, 2009 (3:29 PM)
Russian Fighters were in engaged in both Korea and Vietnam, and handily defeated, even with Vietnam's insane rules of engagement. This includes Russian "advisor" pilots.

In Korea, the United States fought from a toe-hold to the Chinese border. The Chinese responded with overwhelming numbers, pushed the US south of Seoul. They were then ejected completely from South Korea, and further punishment was postponed. A CONSERVATIVE estimate is that Communist forces lost 25 soldiers for every American life. 8.2 Communist planes were shot down for every 1 American Plane.

Vietnam, with all of the ridiculous rules of engagement, was still a smashing success for the American military. 10 to 1 on the ground, and although there was a point where the air-war ratio was as low as 1 to 1, it ended as high as 13 to 1 and 22 to 1 (After Top Gun was created).

Every major battle in Vietnam ended in defeat for the Communist forces. They fought well, and were very clever opponents, but losing 680,000+ is catastrophic.

The Vietnam war also marked the end of the spread of Communism in the Pacific.

The Russian war machine is a gilded lilly. They only paint one side of the ships in Vladivostok. They are bullies now.

How did there little trip to Afghanistan go?

For every legitimate American atrocity, there are thousands of Russian, Chinese, and Korean atrocities. People are tortured and slaughtered daily in those countries, but "torture" in Abu Ghraib stays in the news for years.

While the United States is in serious decline, it's self-implosion. No one in the world has ever defeated the United States in anything of any consequence. You can rail on and scream and have your little forum tantrums, but even a cursory glance at history tells the real tale. We MAY destroy ourselves, but no matter how much self-guilt and America hating goes on, the fact that we defended the world from evil during out 200+ year run at every single opportunity will never go away. The fact that the amount of aid that we send out is greater than most countries GNP. Our PRIVATE charitable giving is more than 200 billion dollars per year. That's the GNP of Poland.

You can hate and hate and hate, and talk about all the great things that heinous, corrupt, despicable governments have created, curse the US until you somehow come to a false sense of self-worth, and it will change nothing about the fact that we are the greatest power that history has ever seen, our allies are the greatest countries in the world, and that no other country of any consequence has anywhere near our military record.

Thank you for playing.

Posted by
archon888z (2)
RE: Why are Russian fighters so big?
Posted: May 14, 2009 (3:36 PM)
And the big bad Sunburn missile? Yeah, we've had that since the 50's. Look up the Genie.

Saying we've taken any technology from the Soviets is laughable. They've stolen from the Germans and the US since 1914.

A previous poster mentioned that the Sunburn renders are US defences obsolete. it's an anti-ship missile, and it was defeated in 2005.

So, when patently evil regimes build weapons of destruction, this is great. But when the United States tries to build a DEFENSIVE network to protect its' people from nuclear holocaust the world cries foul.

Enjoy your new Chinese masters.

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